Submission guidelines

Both research papers and experience reports are welcome. The submission can be either a full paper or a short paper.

  • Full paper (up to 16 pages): reporting complete and original research or comprehensive real-world experiences on software startups. The full research papers should describe mature research providing new knowledge with empirical validation.
  • Short paper (up to 7 pages): describing preliminary work, initial research results, ongoing experience or vision papers proposing innovative approach, methods used in actual development processes.

The submissions should be prepared using the Springer LNCS format (

The submission system is open at:

The submissions will be reviewed based on their quality, topic relevance, innovation, and potentials to foster discussion. We aim at an interdisciplinary meeting, thus each submitted paper will be reviewed by three reviewers with different backgrounds providing authors with the information to make their contribution relevant and appealing for the workshop’s audience. At least one author from each accepted paper must plan to attend the workshop and present.

The authors will be notified and the accepted papers will be published in the main Springer LNCS volume together with the main conference papers.